Ensure gShield is seated all the way down on your Arduino board
If you are using a Windows computer, make sure you downloaded the Arduino IDE. Download the IDE if you haven't done this.
Once you've downloaded the Arduino IDE, check to see if the Arduino appears in the COM Port section of your device manager. To access your device manager, use this hotkey: Win+pause/break
Remove your gShield from the Arduino and see if your computer recognizes only the Arduino board.
You will know a connection is established if the Arduino appears in the COM port menu of the device manager. The "Carve" button (in the upper right corner of Easel) will also turn green. If the button is blue, it is still not connecting.
If you can establish a connection with the gShield removed, remove your Arduino from the electronics box enclosure. Reattached the gShield to the Arduino and make sure the two boards are pushed together firmly, with all the pins inserted correctly.
You should maintain your connection if the gShield is mounted correctly on the Arduino. Once you've established a connection with the gShield attached, remove the gShield from the Arduino and reattach it again, just to make sure.
If you cannot establish a connection with the gShield removed, please read this article about manually connecting your Arduino to the computer.
- Reflash the controller if you continue to have an issue: Arduino Reflash Instructions
- If during the reflash process this error is encountered then the Arduino might be bad and need to be replaced:
Associated Symptoms
No Motor Movement: The stepper motors connected to the gShield do not move at all, even when sending commands from the Arduino.
Unresponsive Interface: The interface between the Arduino and the control software appears unresponsive, and there's no data exchange between the software and the gShield.
- Inconsistent Movement: Stepper motors exhibit erratic or inconsistent movement, indicating a communication disruption leading to missed steps or incorrect motor control.