Please make sure you do not have Easel open before attempting to uninstall the driver.
To uninstall the Easel driver on a Windows computer, open up the File Explorer and click on This PC. Then, click on the C: drive.
Open up the EaselLocal folder.
There will be a file inside called unins000.exe. Double click on it, and it will uninstall the driver, excluding the iris.out and iris.error files.
If you would like to remove those as well, simply drag and drop them into the trash.
To uninstall Easel on Mac, click on Go at the top and select the Library option. Find the Easel folder and drag and drop it into the Trash. Delete the Trash, then restart your computer.
If you receive an error, you will need to stop the running process on your computer. Open Terminal and send this:
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Iris.Iris.plist
Then you can remove that file and the Easel directory:
sudo rm /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.Iris.Iris.plist
sudo rm -fr /Library/Easel
If you have any other questions or need assistance with this, please contact our Customer Success team.