If your order has shipped, you can find the tracking number in your order history or your order status page. You can view your order status page by going to your order confirmation email and clicking "View your order"
There are a few reasons why your package might not be moving:
- Your package is waiting to clear customs:
- In this case, your local customs office will be getting in contact with you to work with you in getting the package cleared. If you are seeing the package stuck in customs for more than a week, give the office a call to check on the status.
- Your package was dropped off to your local postal service:
- Occasionally, FedEx and USPS will stop tracking the package after dropping it off to your local postal service. You can continue to track the package through your local postal service’s website.
- Your package was lost:
- If your package hasn’t moved in more than 10 days, first contact the shipping carrier to see why it hasn’t moved. If the package was indeed lost, contact us (include order number) and we will work with the shipping carrier to file a claim.