As of April 1st, 2021, Inventables is no longer formally supporting the Carvey. While our support team is still happy to assist you, we have limited user-serviceable parts available for purchase. More information can be found below:
Carvey End Of Life Expectations
What does this mean for replacement parts?
As mentioned above, we have a limited amount of serviceable parts available. You may need to reach out to for a quote if it is not publically available.
Publically Available:
Carvey Smart Clamp:
The Carvey Smart clamp is publically available on
You can find troubleshooting instructions below:
Carvey Smart Clamp isn't Registering
Internally Available:
Rear Panel Assembly
Power issues and issues with the stepper drivers may require a require rear panel assembly or External Power Supply replacement.
External Power Supply with Cable
We do not sell the power supply or cable separately, however, you can find them separately on Amazon:
160W 48V 3.34A AC-DC Power Supply
Troubleshooting instructions for both components are available below:
Y-Axis and X-Axis Belting:
You may just need to re-tension your belting, but we do have them if required.
What sort of maintenance and upkeep is required for Carvey?
X-Axis Motor Cable
We recommend first cleaning your machine to clear any obstruction that may be inhibiting movement.
Y-Axis limit switch assembly
We recommend first cleaning your machine to clear any obstruction that may be inhibiting movement.
Gas Spring
The Gas Spring is available at Inventables. You can also find it below:
Not Available at Inventables:
Carvey Spindle:
While the Carve Spindle isn't available, we do have a guide on troubleshooting the spindle. If needed, you can find a replacement and the connectors on Amazon:
The Carvey spindle won't spin, what do I do?
300W Air Cooled CNC Spindle Motor
If your homing cycle fails even after testing it in the Machine inspector, you may require replacement Microswitches. You can find them on Amazon:
Door hinges:
The Carvey hinges are Southco E6-10-301-20. You can find them on Amazon: Carvey hinges alternative