If the Carvey homes, but does center on the Smart Clamp button, first review our maintenance guide for guidance on adjusting the belt tension. Correct belt tension is vital for the machine's accuracy.
When the belts are in good shape but the issue persists, it's possible to reset the Smart Clamp position. This requires manually entering gcode commands into the Console.
First, power on and connect the Carvey to your computer. Open up Easel, then go to Machine > General Settings > Machine Inspector.
Keep the Carvey door closed, otherwise, these next steps won't work.
Scroll down to the Console section. Type this command into the Console, which will Home the machine:
Then, type in this command to activate millimeter mode:
Next, use manual movement commands to properly center the bit on the smart clamp button. The movement commands are formatted like so:
G91 G0 XxYxZx (incremental distance mode, move, axis|distance|)
A positive value will move the machine toward the limit, a negative value will move the machine away from the limit.
For example, to move the Carvey 3 mm to the right on the X axis, type in the following:
G91 G0 X3
To raise the bit 3 mm, enter a negative value:
G91 G0 Z-3
Once the bit has been centered on the button, enter the following command:
G53 G0 Z-1
Lastly, you can save the position by entering this command:
Then, try running a test carve to ensure that the Carvey centers the bit on the Smart Clamp button correctly.